Norvegia: Food delivery to small units in Hå municipality - Framework agreement
Data licitatiei 04.03.2025
au mai rămas 20 zile


Valoare estimata : 19,000,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 9190196
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: Food delivery to small units in Hå municipality - Framework agreement
Coduri CPV:
15000000-8 - Alimente, băuturi, tutun şi produse conexe
15100000-9 - Produse de origine animală, carne şi produse din carne
15200000-0 - Peşte preparat şi conserve de peşte
15300000-1 - Fructe, legume şi produse conexe
15400000-2 - Uleiuri şi grăsimi animale sau vegetale
15500000-3 - Produse lactate
15600000-4 - Produse de morărit, amidon şi produse amilacee
15800000-6 - Diverse produse alimentare
15900000-7 - Băuturi, tutun şi produse conexe
Textul licitației
tracts (geographical zones). Tenders can be submitted for all 6 lots, but the contracting authority will award a maximum of 3 sub-contracts per supplier. The criteria for assessing which sub-contracts shall be awarded which tenderers will be as follows: The sub-contracts will be evaluated in accordance with size (based on estimated annual consumption), the largest first, in this order: Nærbø Varhaug VigrestadSirevågOgna BrusandDersom a tenderer could have won more contracts than the maximum number, this tenderer will then secure the three sub-contracts with the largest value that this supplier could win. If one of the zones does not receive a tender, the Contracting Authority will be able to engage in a dialogue with the winner of the adjoining zone.Identificatorul procedurii: 0d922961-02f5-4990-8b5b-dfebacb5e75dIdentificator intern: 2024/6488Tip de p